Double hull bunkering tanker from Norwegian Owner
Dwt: 1100 on 4 m draft
Built: 1980 in Norway
Class: DNV-GL +100 A5 Tanker for oil; Next SS 2022/12
GT/NT: 1085/ 325
Dimensions: Loa 64.50 Lpp 60.13 Beam 10.25 m Depth 5.60 m
Cargo tanks: 4; 880 cbm; no coating; no heating
Cargo pump: 2 x 120 cbm/h
Deck crane: 4.0 mts SWL
Main engine: Bergen Normo; 1011 kW, CPP
Speed/ consumption abt: 9.5/ 4 cbm
Auxiliary engines: Dorman 240 kW; Caterpillar 245 kW; Volvo 238 kW
Bow thruster: Brunvoll 180 kW
Tank capacities: Ballast 736 Fw 66 cbm
Stern discharge: Yes
Fenders: 2 x Yokohama
Reported to be in good condition
Inspection and delivery in North Norway